101 Ways was inspired first by an absolute conviction that what matters most is that we are conscious of the results of our actions and that each one of us can, through a multitude of micro-actions, make a difference.
Secondly, it was the realisation that those who did want to do something often didn’t know what, why or where to start. Hopefully this will help.
We do not publish advertisements or sponsorship and we are free to the user. The recommendations we provide are without financial benefit to 101.
The research and writing of the majority of the site has been done by Tina Ateljevic and Bela Rofe.
The 101 Ways website has been created by Christian Jaroljmek of wbldigital.io
Alice Taylor embellished the site with her wonderful illustrations and gave inspiring design insight to Christian.
Ollie Burch, Sarah Morris, Tara Fischer and the Devereux siblings have all rendered invaluable advice pro bono.
101 is led by its founder Robert Devereux who takes full responsibility for errors, dubious opinions and inaccuracies.